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Rangers of Shadow Deep - Solo play project

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Solo play project

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Sword tree revisited...

Tutoring 0
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I made a sword tree. Inspired from a sketch by Ben an age ago. Made from GW sprues and Mantic Games skeleton swords.I made a sword tree. Inspired from a sketch by Ben an age ago. Made from GW sprues and Mantic Games skeleton swords.
I think the head is a carving, but it could be a man trapped in the tree for reasons yet unknown.I think the head is a carving, but it could be a man trapped in the tree for reasons yet unknown.
I used urban grey flock on the trunk of the tree to be a creeping plant / parasite growth and once dry picked out with green paint.I used urban grey flock on the trunk of the tree to be a creeping plant / parasite growth and once dry picked out with green paint.

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