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Headed to the cleaners? Its time to join the league

Headed to the cleaners? Its time to join the league

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Base game miniatures

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Now the league base game is a little bit of a mixed bag. The good guys the dungeon master play are very militaristic and coherent to a degree, The wandering monsters that can be also used are all over in regards to the look and feel – but then they are wandering monsters at the end of the day. The bad guys who the players play are a real mixed bag full of unique character and details. Consequently I focused my speed painting efforts into the good guys, with plans to spend more time using traditional methods on the player characters due to the unique details and sculpts, and where players will be interacting and touching the game most.

The other beautiful thing is that there is volumes of smaller minis here that were easy wins, however some have only a sculpt a mother could love. Looking at you Drakon with a maaaassssiiiiveee underbite.


Hiiii mum!Hiiii mum!

Speaking of which lets detail the painting

Cavern Dweller

Pallyd whych flesh (Citadel) Washed with thinned Druichii violet (Citadel) and dry brushed with the base colour. Once this was done I then went in and painted the claws and teeth London gey, highlighted with sky grey, the mouth once again was screamer pink. The fur was copper brown (Vallejo express colour) a lovely warm coppery brown. Chains and shackles were blackened barrel.

Cavern DwellerCavern Dweller

Battle Lynx

Basilicanum Grey (Contrast) Dry brushed with Adminstratum Grey (Citadel). Copper from Vallejo model colour heavily washed with agrax earthshade (Citadel) The under armour was painted English Uniform (Vallejo model colour) to tone down the sheer volume of copper armour on this big pussy cat.

Baby Lynx

Basilicanum Grey (Contrast) Dry brushed with Adminstratum Grey (Citadel) Even I will admit these models felt like cheating.

Baby Underbite drakon

Lizard Green (Vallejo Express colour) Stone Grey Deatails such as horns and toes, and golden yellow from Proacryl for the eyes. Mantic, I would loved to have painted the mouth like the other baby drakon, however all of my sculpts were missing a lower jaw, I’m unsure if I just got dud models or they genuinely all shipped like this. Its loveable in its on weird unique way

Baby Drakon

Airbrushed Reflective green (Vallejo model colour) Mouth painted emperors Children (Citadel) and Stone grey details. I forgot to take notes on this scheme so can only be so sure. I think the eye was averland sunset as a change,

Owl Bears

Had 3 coats of snakebite leather contrast, before being drybrushed with US Field drab (Vallejo model colour) and Brown Sand (Vallejo model colour)  as a final step. The beak was deathclaw brown (citadel) Highlighted with tau light ochre (citadel) and then a mix of tau light ochre and Iraqui sand (Vallejo model colour) Mouth was screamer pink highlighted with pink horror (Citadel). Eyes were averland sunset highlighted with sand yellow, claws were german grey (vallejo model colour) and the pads on the feet VMC Black

Minotaur Defenders

Copper Brown Fur, Retributor gold (Citadel) armour with agrax earthshade wash, Mystic Blue (Vallejo Express colour) Tabards, Ushabti Bone (Citadel) horns with a wash of skeleton horde contrast. Black templar cotrast was then used for the hooves along with VMC Black for the leather strapping. The warhammer was painted with vallejo model air steel and a heavy wash of nuln oil from citadel.

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