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Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

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Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1

Well did I achieve all my goals, no. Am I disappointed, no. I always think I’ll be able to paint more than I can and constantly forget how long it will take me to paint something especially with the amount of conversion and sculpting work I do on certain pieces such as the Cossack conversion I completed.
So in total I painted sixty five Wars of the Roses figures, seventeen WWII, two Napoleonic Cavalry, three Lord of the Rings figures five 40K Orks and a Saxon Huscarl. Making  ninety three  figures in total which is just more than  one figure per challenge day.
I also finished four Carabinier horses and assembled their riders. I also put together every 40K Ork I had in the garage and cleaned and corrected ones I had previously assembled. Every Perry Plastic Wars of the Roses figure that I have has also been assembled and is ready to paint.
In addition I made myself a new wargame ‘teddy bear’ fur mat, made a small wood of trees and up skilled my know how in taking effective miniature photography.
Highlights of my project are the Cossack vignette and my ‘reproductions’ of Wars of the Roses art. I was especially proud of my Three Hunters Lord of the Rings miniatures featuring on the show Cult of Paint as well as also receiving an email from White Dwarf expressing their interest in featuring these models in a future edition. The tutorials I have completed will also be a useful reminder on how I painted certain models when I come to tackle something similar in the future. I have taken a group photo of all the Wars of the Roses models I competed over the course of the challenge which can be seen below.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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Paul Mackayzorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Congratulations fabulous work on your project figures an vehicles @pmackay140215

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