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Collins tells the tale of the walking dead

Collins tells the tale of the walking dead

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E10 - Party Politics

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Pre-Game Blah

Remember to go view my other project to see me make and paint all this cool stuff.

Here Brain Philip is guiding Lilly and Bob back to a house he knows is safe for the time being. This game is designed to be a bit of a base defence, our heroes will start in the house and have to fight off as many zombies as possible.


  • hold you nerve
  • stay in power
  • stay alive
  • kill at least 10 zombies


Having lost poor Scott to blood loss and been forced to abandon him to his reanimated fate in the woods outside the gas station Lilly and Bob are guided by someone calling himself Philip Blake to a nearby estate that seems to be a bit upmarket, or at least would have been before the end of the world happened

E10 - Party Politics
E10 - Party Politics
E10 - Party Politics
E10 - Party Politics
E10 - Party Politics
E10 - Party Politics
E10 - Party Politics

ok so some of you may have detected a bit of pisstaking in this episode.

I did play it seriously but then I couldn’t resist prodding fun at the current situation for the country during the writeup.

A lot of ammo was fired and used up with only one working gun by the end of it. Too much close combat effectively made the situation too dangerous in the end and before becoming overwhelmed they ran back into the house and barred the doors.

They did manage to take out 11 walkers before giving up. How they’ll get out of Wiltshire Estates remains to be seen as in the original story it doesn’t exactly go well with a certain ‘all dead do not enter’ note being found by Rick’s group when they fled from the estate.

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