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Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

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Tudor bill unit Wars of the Roses.

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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These were all made from the Perry boxes and not only from the Bill and Bow set. There are a variety of other heads and arms used although primarily they are from that set. The falling one with the arrow in his chest was made using two arms from the mercenaries boxed set. The pike was removed from one of the arms and they were positioned to look like the arrow had just hit him.  The arrow was cut from a bunch of arrows that come in the box. I drilled a small hole into his chest and glued it in place. The blood effects are easily done with GW Blood for the Blood God. The flag is a free one available from the  Wargaming At The Outpost GY facebook site. As my printer at home is not great I used it as an outline and totally repainted it.

Tudor bill unit Wars of the Roses.

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