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The Silver Bayonet - The Carpathians Castle Fier

The Silver Bayonet - The Carpathians Castle Fier

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Austrian Light Cavalryman

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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No idea on the history of the Austrian cavalry uniforms of the era so went with an approximation of the box art.No idea on the history of the Austrian cavalry uniforms of the era so went with an approximation of the box art.
The box art went for a dark green tunic, but I have already used a lot of dark green in this unit so ended up with a heavily Camoshade washed Deathguard Green instead. He was always going to be brightly coloured and I think the brighter green is historically acceptable given that uniform dyes of the time bleached in the sun and washed out pretty easily over time on campaign.The box art went for a dark green tunic, but I have already used a lot of dark green in this unit so ended up with a heavily Camoshade washed Deathguard Green instead. He was always going to be brightly coloured and I think the brighter green is historically acceptable given that uniform dyes of the time bleached in the sun and washed out pretty easily over time on campaign.

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