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The Silver Bayonet - The Carpathians Castle Fier

The Silver Bayonet - The Carpathians Castle Fier

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Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
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Thank you BoW for the pat on the back on Father's Day.Thank you BoW for the pat on the back on Father's Day.

Ben mentioned the story telling and naming of characters that I must do more of to live up to the praise I feel and they loved the embellishments of flock as straw on the scarecrows and the choices of minis thus far.

I will have to get some solo games played soon to show off the new minis and dig into the rules again.

Always lovely to get praise and I always appreciate it.

(Going through an insurance claim after a car crash and other shitty news in my life so things like this give me a nice boost against the negativity.)


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Congratulations @dugthefug1644 ! Very well deserved! Be proud… be very, very proud! ???

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