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SAGA Challenge

SAGA Challenge

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Week 13 - Viking are here

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
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So, Anton finalized his Viking war band as far as necessary to get them on the table for a game.  Pictures of the game to follow in a couple of days.

His approach was to make 6 units: 3 x Hearthguard, 1 x Warriors, 2 x Levies.

Although slightly contrary to the game “requirements” of all armed the same, he decided that the Hearthguard were the best fighters and naturally would come to war armed with the weapons they were best at! A reasonable proposal, and as we are only ever going to play casual games, I’m happy enough with that.

His paint scheme was random rather than anything like a “uniform” which again seems fitting for the period and the Vikings.

Lots of pictures to follow below.

The shields have bee left white as I will try to get hold of the Shield decals rather than paint them all up myself (or himself).  If I can’t, then at some point soon I’ll tackle them. But the complexity of some of the designs is beyond my painting talents!

For anyone interested, the flags were made from the same material I made the longboat sail from a small weave cloth I found soaked in a 60/40 PvA/water solution and then painted with Vallejo paints.

Our game will be played on a board I made a couple of years ago – also for a Spring clean challenge.  We’ll play a 4 point game to start with.

The playing area before adding Terran features.

Battle Report to come next.

Happy gaming!

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Cult of Games Member

Good job to the Apples both big and small. I look forward to the batrep and seeing the epic of father and son fighting for the future in space!

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