Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!
Richard Duke of Gloucester.
Richard Duke of Gloucester at the battle of Barnet 14th April 1471. This will be the last of my representations of Richard III from my Wars of the Roses project that I will have time to finish before the Spring Clean ends. I based this on the excellent painting by Graham Turner. Graham has kindly corresponded with me over several matters regarding my interpretations of his work. I carefully chose and assembled the Perry Miniatures parts to help me to mirror his painting. I altered the pole arm carried by the infantryman in the foreground to better match the painting. Richard’s helm also needed to be converted and I used bits from a couple of helmets for this. Finding a suitable pointing arm was a boon even though here it is the wrong pointing arm as it is the opposite one in the painting. The banner bearer’s right arm was originally cast with a sword. I cut this away and replaced it with a pole I made out of wire. I crushed one end with pliers and filed it to a point. I deliberately went for a finer quality finish for the Duke’s armour than his standard bearer. The flag is by Petesflags. I will include a copy of his painting so my vignette can be compared to it. I used pulled apart packing material from Perry boxes to simulate the mist. If you look carefully in the background you can see Perry Billmen as in the original painting.
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