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Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

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Making trees out of Seafoam

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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As I mentioned in my post on making Richard’s charge at Bosworth I needed some background trees. I always thought that those made out of seafoam ( teloxis aristata) looked great and although I knew they would not be particularly sturdy I was not concerned as I primarily wanted them to be used for when I photograph my miniatures. I purchased WSS Scenics realistic Spring tree kit and some extra plastic tree armatures from ebay. The latter were extremely cheap. Photo one shows what I worked with. The kit itself does not come with very clear instructiuons but a few tutorials on Youtube were a great help. As you can see in the photo I have included the two types of tree armature I had purchased and some of the seafoam, the four different types of flock from the kit and I purchased some cheap brown rattle can paints and some not so cheap tree and brush foliage spray again from WSS.

The first stage (photo 2) involves pruning a lot of the branches off the plastic trees. and then gluing them to 2p coins. I then added a band of milliput around the bottom of the bases. The tall tree at the back is made by combining one of the trees trunks from ebay with a WSS one.  I drilled out a hole in each trunk using a wowstick and inserted a piece of wire to make the join more secure. The two parts were then joined with superglue.

In the third photo I have attached the seafoam. Take your time with this and cut small branches off the main pieces that are supplied in the kit. Do not use superglue for this as cheap contact adhesive works best.

I then sprayed the trees with the brown paint (the trunks and branches were dry brushed with GW Zandri Dust)I mentioned earlier before adding the flock with the foliage spray. The pack comes with a bright pink and  red  flock to be used as blossom and to be honest I thought both were way too bright and would result in unrealsitic looking trees. However on looking at images online I thought the colours looked okay and the resulting trees I made with them are my favourite. The green trees are made using the thicker green flock with the lighter flock then applied over the top. ( photos 4 and 5).

The foliage spray left a grey residue and I therefore washed the branches with GW Agrax Earthshade before dry brushing again with the Zandri Dust. I thought the finished trees looked a little sparse so I added more branches of seafoam and repeated the above steps. I finally finished the bases and took a picture of the trees on my teddy bear fur mat with some of the figures I have completed as part of the Spring Clean.

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