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The Silver Bayonet - The Carpathians Castle Fier

The Silver Bayonet - The Carpathians Castle Fier

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Adam Charming

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Highwayman from the 2nd Austrian Unit. Not sure if the stonework as basing is a milestone or a stone post of some other variety. The creeping vine up the one side is certainly a fun look.Highwayman from the 2nd Austrian Unit. Not sure if the stonework as basing is a milestone or a stone post of some other variety. The creeping vine up the one side is certainly a fun look.
The stone is just a piece of resin sprue painted grey, washed with Athonian Camoshade, then Grey Seer edging and chipping. The plant is just urban grey flock PVA glued to the stone and picked out in Deathguard green paint. The stone is just a piece of resin sprue painted grey, washed with Athonian Camoshade, then Grey Seer edging and chipping. The plant is just urban grey flock PVA glued to the stone and picked out in Deathguard green paint.

He’s a dandy highwayman who they’re too scared to mention. ??

As a fan of Adam and The Ants, I thought that Adam Charming (“Prince Charming” being one of their hits as well as “Stand and Deliver”) it was as apt a name as any.

The coat came out quite well. I used Highland Blue Speedpaint over the brown primer and it came out nice and dark. I highlighted with a black and Kantor Blue mix and I am happy with the result.

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