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Silver Bayonet 1850

Silver Bayonet 1850

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One night with the new Speedpaints and a Blood-Maw

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 11

I invested in some Mierce miniatures in the recent sale.  They really are as beautiful as they look on the webstore.  Looking for a big bad for a final encounter I spotted this chap and though – that’s the one.

First the build.  As you can see went together easily with minimal filling required.  Heres were a couple of hours got us to on Saturday:

On Sunday I did the zenithed undercoat.  This needed to dry so no more work until the next night.

Tonight I’ve been painting the front room so only had about an hour and a half.  Decided to pick out some of the new Speedpaints and go for a wet blend.  Started with a base of Mummified Grime with lowlights in Noble Skin and highlights in Burnt Moss.  Once this was on blended in some Brownish Decay to give his skin some variety and make him a bit more dirty green/brown.  Then on to the mouth with a couple of drops of Slaughter Red thinned out with mediumfor the gums and then darkened down with Noble Skin and the Brownish Decay for some variety.  Finally on to the teeth which started with a blend of Ruddy Fur, Bony Matter and a drop of Sand Golem.  I then separately had some Pallid Bone with a drop of medium.  Heavy coats of the darker tone were applied at at the base of teeth.  Palid bone went on the other ends and then blended towards the darker tone to maintain the steep colour gradient.  Finally claws were very similar but the darker tone was supplemented with a drop of Brownish Decay.  A wipe with the finger across the highlight areas on teeth and claws, a dot or two of thinned Warrior Skin onto the body for tone variety and a couple of very thin splashes of Slaughter Red for dried blood and this is where we got to.

One night with the new Speedpaints and a Blood-Maw
One night with the new Speedpaints and a Blood-Maw
One night with the new Speedpaints and a Blood-Maw
One night with the new Speedpaints and a Blood-Maw

Gotta say for the time taken I’m pretty happy with it so far.  Needs a look in the light and a careful drybrushed highlight in some places and a bit of fleshtone in the mouth but I’m nearly done.  Gotta love Speedpaints.  This is the original paintwork from Mierce.  I think I’m getting there.

One night with the new Speedpaints and a Blood-Maw

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Cult of Games Member

Great paint job.


brilliant work, If I could upvote this twice I would.

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