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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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Bases and Fences

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Bushido uses three different base sizes (30, 40 and 50mm). Models also have fields of vision of 180 degrees and a forward facing. As the bases are round, these need to be marked on to the base.

To make sure that all of the bases are the same and to make marking the bases easier, I’m going to build a jig/template. For this I will need some MDF, some thick card and a circle cutter.

Bases and Fences

I’ve simply cut half circles out of the card of 30, 40 and 50mm radius using the circle cutter. The card is then glued to the MDF and once dry, cut down to a manageable size.

Bases and Fences

To mark the bases, I can simply fit the base into the required slot and the edge of the MDF will be the 180 degree field of vision. Simple!

Bases and Fences

I’ve also painted up some 3D printed fences to provide some low cover.

Simple approach with a mid brown, heavy dark brown wash and then dry brushed with Iraqi sand. The base was then given an acrylic mud compound and the static grass applied. Quick and easy.

Bases and Fences

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