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SAGA Challenge

SAGA Challenge

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Week 11 - Nothing much happening

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9

So, only two weeks to go.  The Vikings are making slow progress and we still hope to end the challenge with a BatRep (fingers crossed).

This week I discovered that not thinking has consequences.  I mentioned last time that I would think of making a ruined tower. Well I started by cutting up some pink insulation foam into “brick sized” pieces, glued them with a hot glue gun, and then undercoated them without thinking and it melted!

So, this will now become a feature of a Kings of War battle as a ruined mage’s tower after a particularly effective fire missile attack!

I revisited this by using balsa wood instead. I cut lengths of thin balsa wood and smoothed the edges with sandpaper.

Pictures follow.


These were then glues with a hot glue gun to an old CD disc and built up to a small level to represent either an unfinished tower, or one that collapsed.

Building underwayBuilding underway

Once it had reached a height that I was happy with – to be completely honest, I got fed up with the entire process.  A lesson here I think, be in a good frame of mind before venturing onto something that you know will be rather tiresome!  (OR find a good movie to keep you going).

Anyway, after several levels were completed I painted it with a black undercoat and then applied grey and then white highlights and I hated it!

It just looked poor. So I washed I  with an ochre wash and it still didn’t look right.


So, I’ll keep working on this during the week but am unsure where this is going.

A bit frustrated, but, that’s life sometimes.

Happy Gaming

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Cult of Games Member

Good job on the construction

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