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SanchoPanza Rides Again - ReVamping Gangs of Rome

SanchoPanza Rides Again - ReVamping Gangs of Rome

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The Temple of Apollo, Revamped and Upgraded

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The Temple of ApolloThe Temple of Apollo

The next building on the list for upgrading and revamping is Sarissa’s Roadside Shrine/Mausoleum and I have created this and dedicated to Apollo, but really it could be any of the Gods. This is a lovely small building but a really fun build.

The first image is the starting block with it all painted but I need to revamp to roof.

The second image is the start of apply the fridge liners to the roof to for the pantiles.

The third image the roof is fully tiled and I have cut some card to raise the front and rear of the roof of the temple and cut some cotton buds poles to use as the ridge tiles.

Next before painting the roof I revamped the temple wall to add some colour as Roman and even Greek temples used a lot of colour on them, so I went for red, blue and gold to bring out the details.

I started to paint the roof starting with the pantiles. So I primed the fridge liners with black primer.

In the first picture I drybrushed Vallejo Scorched Earth over it.

In the next image I drybrushed Vallejo Game Colour Terracotta to give it that rich red tile colour.

I then did a light drybrush of Vallejo Game Colour Tan to add the highlights.

I then I washed the tiles with Vallejo Game Colour Black wash and then their Sepia wash to add a rich reddy brown colour.

I then using the same washes for the tiles I gently weathered the temple and added some gold to the ridge tile to finish it.

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