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Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

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Bloody Omaha - My Biggest Panzer Leader Game EVER! (Part 1)

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Just how big can a game of Avalon Hill’s Panzer Leader get?  How about a scenario encompassing the initial assault landing across ALL of Omaha Beach, 6 June 1944?  That’s both 1st and 29th US Infantry Divisions taking on coastal defense positions of the Germans 352nd Infantry in a full-scale recreation of that legendary “Day of Days.”

The game is handled down to the platoon and section level, with historical locations of every German bunker plotted, along with the PLANNED assault sectors and landing waves.  In all, this uber-game winds up with a gameboard encompassing 3000 hexes, 20 turns, 450+ units, and took 25 hours to play (boiled down into two 30-minute videos for you guys).

With all the miniature play we’ve been featuring lately, we wanted to get back to some more classic wargaming for those of you who enjoy this kind of content as well.

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