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Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

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French Casualty under the ice 1812

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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The base of my Cossack Vignette features a dead French line infantryman. I attempted to follow Megzike’s tutorial on Youtube to make the ice and adapted it to the products I had available. I built up the base to make the river bank with Milliput. The bank and bed of the stream were made with sand  and grit. Once painted I then added the figure. I used Tamiya masking tape to form the barrier in which I was going to pour the resin. I had chosen Vallejo still water for this . I would have been better off using a two part epoxy resin as the Vallejo product is only really suitable for shallow pours. This resulted in me having to apply several layers.

The surface was crystal clear but the masking tape left a residue on the side and even though I attempted to clean it off with turps it was still quite cloudy. I painted with a brush more resin onto the sides and the eventual result looked like solid ice which I was fairly pleased with. I roughed up the surface of the ‘ice’ on the top of the base with sand paper to represent frost and then glazed this  with blue and white paint. The base was finished with Vallejo snow and a couple of dead looking tufts which I also  applied the snow product to. The cossack was then pinned onto the base.

French Casualty under the ice 1812
French Casualty under the ice 1812

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