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New 40k, New army

New 40k, New army

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And another

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
And another
And another
And another

Second one. i really think the washed out oil look lends it a sinister look, even if its bordering on barbie pink. Margot Robbie would be proud

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jesusjohnDennis Cross Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I really like these two legged designs!

They have inspired me to look at the possibility of creating something similar to include in my small but growing Chaos Army.

I still don’t know a lot about my ‘Knight Lords’ unit but have stared a company of them that are based around all models having kit-bashing involved.

The two leggers may not fit with the theme of the army but they are cool looking and that’s the only reason I’m building that Company.

Thanks for the inspiration! ??

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