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New 40k, New army

New 40k, New army

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First test peice

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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First test peice
First test peice
First test peice

So pleased with the first test peice.

Recipe first.

White spray paint base coat.

Followed by:

White areas – black up through brown oil washes.
Red areas – Dark red, through magenta and flesh oil washes
Lights – red through orange to white oils

Base is cracked gw tech paint with black through browns oil washes, allowing the black oil washes from the main mini to drip down and pool around the feet.

So yes im really please with this. It has a ‘painting feel’ and the #28 feel without going too dark. Also i actively chose not to contrast the base. Why? you ask dear reader? well that’s because it makes the lights and reds pop more and gives a more desolate dusty feel. I will not be flocking it 🙂

Also yeah only a 1k army cause im going to cry doing 2k  only another 40+ minis to do……

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