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Hutchs Tomb Kings

Hutchs Tomb Kings

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Blowing the dust off.

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3
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With the news the GW is looking to take us back into the realms of rank-and-file fantasy battles I thought I would take a look to see how my Tomb Kings army has fared in storage and see what I could do to bring the force up to standard.

I’m not a massively competitive player these days and I think I have happily left the tournament scene behind me, so with this in mind my plan is pure and simple to make my Tomb Kings army into the vision I imagine it should be.  Hordes of infantry and basic troops with more specialist options forming the minority.

A far cry from what I would have probably used back in the days of tournaments.

Anyway, I guess only time will tell.


Blowing the dust off.
Blowing the dust off.
Blowing the dust off.
Blowing the dust off.
Blowing the dust off.
Blowing the dust off.
Blowing the dust off.
Blowing the dust off.
Blowing the dust off.
Blowing the dust off.
Blowing the dust off.

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