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The Big Stocktake

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Slow progress on the Walking Dead

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Sorry for the massive delay in updating this project.  It’s been a really slow slog getting these Walking Dead models done.

For some reason, these have had some absolutely horrendous mould lines.  I am not sure if have just been unlucky or if because these were a final run before the game was discontinued the quality control on them was not as high a standard as the earlier figures I got.   Whatever the cause, I struggled to get motivated to get these 16 done.

I still have more from the Walking Dead range to do, but these have really drained my motivation for them, so I may have to return to them later.  I don’t really want to, but I know that if I don’t move on and find something to reinvigorate me this project could face stalling, and I don’t want that.

Anyway, getting 16 done is better than nothing, and puts me 16 models closer to being 100% painted.

Slow progress on the Walking Dead
Slow progress on the Walking Dead
Slow progress on the Walking Dead
Slow progress on the Walking Dead

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