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Manda's (Amachan) Republican Roman Warband

Manda's (Amachan) Republican Roman Warband

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More Scuta!!!

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I decided that for my republican Romans I wanted different scuta (shields). All transfers available for the Aventine Miniatures scuta were all of the same design, on one sheet at least. But the some sheets of the transfers for the Victrix scuta had more variety, so I bought a couple of scuta and transfers from them. I also really like the transfers on the bottom scuta for my Hastati, they are basically the younger guys who do not have the funds to get their scuta professionally designed, so they did it themselves. I think the varied scuta is definitely a better representation of the Roman army during the Pyrrhic war, on which my SAGA: Age of Hannibal warband is set. Any exposed white areas will obviously be hidden when they go on the models and get shaded.

More Scuta!!!

Don’t worry, the older scuta will make excellent fatigue markers.

More Scuta!!!

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