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Kill Team - genestealer cult (Redirect)

Kill Team - genestealer cult (Redirect)

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Birthday present.

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Got the rules for my birthday. Getting a set of dice and starting to visit online to list build my Genestealers Got the rules for my birthday. Getting a set of dice and starting to visit online to list build my Genestealers

I was able to find the Genestealer list building rules online. I asked some questions on the Necromunda World Facebook page and they suggested Yaktribe as a useful list builder.

It has been fun to use so far. I got some list building advice from some YouTube videos.

I also started considering the next step of creating a gang to fight. The idea of Chaos Helots as an option looked appealing because I already have Blackstone Fortress Chaos Cultists and other Chaos Cult minis to paint and make my list. The new Wargames Atlantic Gamefound minis look ideal too.

I also picked up some of the cool bulkhead Kill Team / Combat Patrol terrain to bulk out my Sci-Fi terrain collection.I also picked up some of the cool bulkhead Kill Team / Combat Patrol terrain to bulk out my Sci-Fi terrain collection.
eBay provided some secondhand Necromunda dice with some of my birthday money.eBay provided some secondhand Necromunda dice with some of my birthday money.

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