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Spring Clean Challenge 2023 144artist orders some noodles

Spring Clean Challenge 2023 144artist orders some noodles

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A slight Distraction

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4
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With Spring almost over, I have, of course, gotten distracted by another terrain piece.  Now, in my defense it is a display stand for the Space Scrappers I am entering in a painting exhibition this weekend so I am on a time crunch.  As it is a similar project I thought I would show it off here so folks can see that I am producing terrain if not the designated piece yet.  I will also include it in my Space Scrappers posts in my Damocles Sector Project Blog once I have shown them in the competition.

The whole thing started with a chunk of an empty printer cartridge I had pulled from the laser writer at work.  Other than one Trash Bash Bits door, everything is made of repurposed junk and plastic sheeting.

Big enough to display all 13 Scrappers as well as the wizard droid and Biljo.Big enough to display all 13 Scrappers as well as the wizard droid and Biljo.
A slight Distraction
A slight Distraction
A slight Distraction

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