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Marvel Crisis Protocol by Lawnor

Marvel Crisis Protocol by Lawnor

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Hulk Smash! (-ed Out In Less Than A Day)

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I had some concerns about painting Hulk.  I was afraid I’d end up painting him too similar in green to the car or the Daily Bugles.  I’d seen the work of others that pushed in to yellow and I was afraid I might stray too far in to yellow.  So I found a guide and used that for inspiration for colour choices.  I didn’t follow it exactly, but I followed Sorastros guide, using equivalent paints I had to hand.

Hulk Flesh
Airbrush reverse zenithnal with VGC 72.147 Heavy Black Green
Wide Zenithal Airbrush with 50/50 mix of Heavy Black Green and VMC 70.922 Uniform Green
Narrow Zenithal airbrush with pure Uniform Green
Targeted airbrush with VMC 70.967 Olive Green

I did some airbrush work here on some other projects while it was out and continued the flesh by brush later on.

Hulk Smash! (-ed Out In Less Than A Day)

Next I picked out the hair

Base: P3 Thamar Black mixed with just enough P3 Greatcoat Grey to lighten it
Wash: GW Nuln Oil
Highlight: P3 Hammerfall Khaki
Highlight: P3 Hammerfall Khaki mixed with P3 Menoth White Base
Highlight: Menoth White Base
Glaze: GW Agrax Earthshade

Hulk Smash! (-ed Out In Less Than A Day)

Back to the green.  Watch the video linked about for more detailed steps.  I’m really skipping over a lot here.  My words can never inform as well as that video.

Hulk Flesh Continued
It’s all brushwork from now on
Highlight: VMC 70.967 Olive Green
Highlight: VMC 70.827 Lime Green
Glaze transitions with P3 Iosan Green
Highlight: VMC 70.827 Lime Green
Deep Shade with mix of VGC 72.147 Heavy Black Green and GW Naggaroth Night.  Also apply to finger nails

Gum: P3 Khardic Flesh mixed with a little black
Teeth: P3 Menoth White Highlight mixed with a little black
Highlight teeth with Menoth White Highlight

Hulk Flesh Contd…
Highlight “Light”/right side of face with Lime Green mixed with Khardic Flesh
Highlight Lime Green mixed with Miniature Paints 64 Lemon Yellow.
Highlight “dark”/left side of face with Lime Green mixed with P3 Arcane Blue
Highlight Lime Green mixed with more  Lemon Yellow.  Use on all appropriate regions, but definitely pick out veins with this.

Base with P3 Menoth White Highlight, possibly from the above mix with a little black.  You want it to look different to the teeth.
Put some GW Coelia Greenshade over both eyes and count to about 10 before removing it with your brush.
Pupil: Black

Next up is the Hulk pants.  Traditionally, these are purple, but I didn’t want a vibrant purple.  I’ve multiple purple triads from a few different companies, but they all seem to be basically the same 3 shades, ideal for Tyranids.  I wanted something more desaturated so I experimented by adding some grey to what I had.  Here’s what I ended up doing:

Purple Hulk Pants
Base: Reaper MSP 09022 Nightshade Purple mixed to taste with VMC 70.990 Light Grey
Shade: Thinned Nightshade Purple
Highlight: Reaper MSP 09023 Imperial Purple mixed to taste with Light Grey
Highlight: Add more Light Grey

Hulk Smash! (-ed Out In Less Than A Day)

The button doing all the work keeping those pants on was based with P3 Deathless Metal and given a dot of GW Retributor Armour for a glint.  he was based the same as the earlier models.

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