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Kali Yuga: The Age of Conflict

Kali Yuga: The Age of Conflict

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Tigers and Afghans and Planning, Oh My!

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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The military might of lord Boobs is ever-growing. The downside to doing research is finding a metric butt ton of worthless information that doesn’t hash out to too terribly much. In this case I have found disparate things that will be of worth in future.

Thing, the First

Galumphing along the groundGalumphing along the ground

Tigers bound like horses. Well, in a way they do as we can see a general manner of muscle movement as was shown like zoetrope images. Here we can break down the action in frames that a tiger model can be built upon.

With this information I’ll see if I can get some decent 3D sculpting done for a tiger riding unit. This is a fantastic army after all.

Thing, the Second

There are no 28mm Sikh cavalry miniatures which I have found that aren’t wearing British influenced uniforms. The closest that I can get to medieval/traditional garb for Indians is that of Tribal Afghans from the Perry’s for their range Victoria’s Little Wars. I think a little bit of sculpting will make this all come together as only a few details would need to be changed.

I’m already set to build units for the upcoming army and developments will occur in due time. Whether or not those things pan out, I have no idea right now but with the Arabian Knights as my guide I think the experience to preplan in depth is good.

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