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Nemesis - Painting the Intruders and the Crew

Nemesis - Painting the Intruders and the Crew

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Nemesis - Painting the Intruders - Part 6: The Queen

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The queen was painted using previously detailed methods except for the head, which was painted using light blue GW contrasts paints, while the spines were painted with gradient blue contrast GW paint, from light blue to dark blue.The queen was painted using previously detailed methods except for the head, which was painted using light blue GW contrasts paints, while the spines were painted with gradient blue contrast GW paint, from light blue to dark blue.
The mouth was applied GW Cadian Fleshtone, followed by a flesh wash and highlight using the original flesh color with some white added.The mouth was applied GW Cadian Fleshtone, followed by a flesh wash and highlight using the original flesh color with some white added.
The basse was painted light grey and washed with GW Agrax Earthshade before being highlited with a drybrush of lighter grey. The hatch was painted yellow and washed with Agrax Eartshade before being highlited with the original color, while damaged edges were given a a light dry brushing of metallic color.The basse was painted light grey and washed with GW Agrax Earthshade before being highlited with a drybrush of lighter grey. The hatch was painted yellow and washed with Agrax Eartshade before being highlited with the original color, while damaged edges were given a a light dry brushing of metallic color.
Nemesis - Painting the Intruders - Part 6: The Queen

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