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Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

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Richard III and Retinue Knights. Bosworth 1485.

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I have already showed one of the knights and Richard but I have now managed to complete the rest of the unit. Michael Perry has done a superb job with these and I used heads from several different Wars of the Roses plastic boxed sets, although there is more than enough variety even within the box to make every figure unique. I altered the charging lance arms on several to make more of them with couched lance and to make sure that these arms matched the armour sculpted on the torsos.

I painted the knights and horses separately to enable me to access details easier especially with the knights where I had to paint livery badges on their tabards. Richard’s royal coat of arms would have been impossible to do otherwise with the detail I wanted to portray. The only snag I found was that a lot of the bodies wouldn’t fit onto the horses because of the angle I had glued their swords scabbards on. This resulted in me having to remove them, refit them and tidy up where necessary. The flags are by the very talented Petes Flags.

Richard III and Retinue Knights. Bosworth 1485.

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