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Bob's Going 'Nuts'

Bob's Going 'Nuts'

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To add to the Normandy part of project I decided I wanted to Paratroopers for the 3 factions, but didn’t want to buy whole boxes of figures, so I scanned e=bay and was able to pick up the relevant sprues, The Brits and Americans got 2 and the Germans 1 (I thought they were rarer) .

The Americans were the 1st to be completed, and a they were fairly easy.

I went for the earlier tan version of the jump suit which made painting a fairly easy variation of the U.S Infantry

  1. Army Painter Skeleton Bone base coat
  2. Uniform painted GW contrast Skeleton Horde
  3. Helmet done in GW Contrast Miltiarum Green
  4. Belts and packs given light coat of GW Sraphim Sephia shades as online photos showed them having a slightly green tint
  5. GW Snakebite leather Contrast  for boots and wpn stocks
  6. GW Leadbelcher for barrels mags and metal work
  7. light coat of GW Gulliman Flesh for faces and hands
  8. Detail on faces picked out GW Contrast Fireslayer Flesh , and Army painter Wilding Flesh and Barbarian Flesh

The Fallscrimjager were very much a trial and see how it went, but after slight failure with my original attempts at Grenediers went as follows

1. Army Painter Skeleton Bone base coat

2. Tourser painted a mix of 2 parts GW contrast Space Wolves Gray and one part Militarium Green,  this was the slightly failed mix on my 1st batch of Grenediers, but was right for the Falscrimjager.

3. Camo jacket done with a mix of GW contrast Mitarium green , Agaros Dunes and Creed Cammo

4.Boots done in Basilicum grey

Everything else done pretty much as the Ameericans



The British Paratroopers were done pretty much as for the British Infantry othe than the Denison smock, which I have to say was helped by the OTT’s  Bolt Action Boot camp videos on ~You tube particularly the one and the Denison smocks.

World War II Kit: British Paratrooper

The main difence to the British Infanty is that I only did the 2nd 2 coats of Seraphim Sephia to the Upper part of body covered by the smock then:

  1. Blotchs of GW Contrast Militarium Green avoiding webbing
  2. Blotchs of GW Contras Creed Cammo avoiding webbing
  3. block painted rifles boots etc as with British Infantry
  4. Berets done in Baal RED
  5. Thinned out cat oa GW Arax Earthshade about 50/50 water over most of upper torso apart from faces.

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