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A Space Marine Lost in the Woods

A Space Marine Lost in the Woods

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Chapter II - Color Selection

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

My initial thought for the color scheme was to go super vibrant and off the wall. I wanted the entry to stick out amongst the crowd. So I debated working with a lot of neons, only to decide to go in the opposite direction. As much as I visited the store, I’m still not 100% familiar with the staff. I don’t know if they’d care to recreate that color scheme.

After some back and forth, I decided to go with a subtle color palette actually based on the local college’s basketball team the Purple Aces. I am far, far from a sports fan (outside of golf and dodgeball), however my city lives and breathes their teams. I figured the nod might score me some extra points.

So without further ado…

Along with this being my first painting competition, this was also the first time I actually painted a Space Marine. All of my 9th edition and Kill Team models sat assembled and not even primed until after I got this one done. I know, I know. I am horrible.

All in all, this model was approximately 15 hours of work. It wasn’t all in one sitting, but rather done over the month. With my work schedule, I usually get an hour or two of free time to hobby a night if I’m lucky. So i took advantage when I could. Though, I guess in hindsight that was a bit too much time spent.

For those interested in the color recipe –


  • Stynylrez Black with a light misting of Stynylrez White

Space Marine:

  • Army Painter SpeedPaint Hive Dweller Purple – Base coat over the entire model
  • Army Painter WarPaint Alien Purple – Mid-tone
  • Army Painter WarPaint Warlock Purple – Dry brused over the armor
  • Army Painter WarPaint Plate Mail Metal – Used on the gun and all silver trim
  • Army Painter WarPaint Greedy Gold – All gold trim/embellishments
  • Army Painter SpeedPaint Zealot Yellow – Applied over the gold to dull it a little


  • Army Painter SpeedPaint Hardened Leather
  • Army Painter SpeedPaint Gravelord Grey
  • Army Painter SpeedPaint Blood Red
  • Army Painter SpeedPaint Highlord Blue
  • Army Painter WarPaint Plate Mail Metal

Fun thing I discovered while doing the base –

There is a chunk of metal at the front of the base that looks like it may have been part of a Titan/Knight or Rhino. Not really for certain. I played it off as a part of a destroyed Ultra Marine vehicle.

I thinned down the Plate Mail Metal metallic paint before applying a coat of the Highlord Blue over it. This gave the blue a metallic shine that was absolutely perfect! Granted, I’m sure this isn’t news to anyone else, but it felt like a nice level up moment for me.

Now all that was left to do was wait for competition day.

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evie kaysenjimakotozorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Looks like a good colour for the chapter.


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