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Digging out the Bunker!

Digging out the Bunker!

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The craft drawers of doom…

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 4
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I was holding off until I’d got more progress on these but there’s almost a mission in itself here!
When the children were small we started picking up crafty things for them to do, then they started to get crafty presents given to them, then people started giving us crafty bits “to keep them occupied”.
The kids approach to this was about what every parent expects.
They got it all out, spread it round everywhere and then used bits of all of it & when told to tidy up it got scooped up and dumped back into the drawers. We’ve made attempts to defeat the craft drawers of doom before but been bested by the sheer horde of pens, pencils, felt tips, crayons, sticky pads, bits of string, glitter glue tubes, shiny bits of paper, weird foam sheet stuff and stickers that pour out of each drawer when they open!
I really want to get rid of them as an entity (napalm in a household environment being frowned on) so the mission for this week is to take it one drawer at a time and reduce them by means of the bin bag & careful scientific testing to maybe one stacker unit that can be moved elsewhere and free up the space in the room!
I managed one drawer a couple of nights ago – there may be a lifetimes supply of pens and pencils in there if the first drawer is anything to go by!

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Cult of Games Member

Love your descriptions. It’s just how I feel when I go into our kids rooms.

Your dedication is giving me hope that I will someday complete my stocktake.

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