Manda's (Amachan) 'Oiling Up' Project
Painting Grimdark
In a recent weekender there was a mention of the Villainy Inks from Grimdark Compendium. I had never heard of them before, so I went to have a look. And what I found was a style that I have been wanting to paint as for years. I have in my time used enamel washes, especially on larger models. I have done some heavy weathering as you can see below. So it is not completely new to me, but definitely something I want to develop more. I have never used oil paints before so that will be a new thing. I am planning on ordering in a whole bunch of Abteilung 502 oil paints and add a bit more to my range of enamels. Together with that and some of the tutorials on their website I am going to find a new paint style that incorporates the grimdark and works for me as I focus more on the historicals than the sci-fi.
This is also the reason why there hasn’t been any progress on my historical projects since I really got back into the hobby. I was just trying to find my roots and these roots will be grimdark.
So this project will follow along with my progress into the grimdark.
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