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STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!

STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!

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Sdkfz 250/9 (Alte).

Tutoring 11
Skill 12
Idea 11
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Sdkfz 250/9 (Alte).

This was model took a fair bit of time to assemble, however I am delighted with it now that it is painted and table top ready.

The Sdkfz 250/9 is well set for taking out enemy infantry, weapons teams and soft skinned vehicles. It is capable of knocking out enemy armoured cars and even though unlikely a T34 (on a damage roll of a 6) with an up close arse shot from behind using it’s autocannon, which has 2 shots and and crucially 2 chances at getting a kill. This is also particularly effective against infantry in cover in the ruins of Stalingrad, with a +1 to kill and a 1 inch template for each of it’s 2 shots (provided both or either of them hit). The coaxial MMG has 6 shots that are possibly a better option on rare occasion such as 2 man officer or weapons teams.

The vehicle is tracked, so it can cross the rubble that covers much of the city, and allows it to shoot and scoot when it needs to.

I plan to use mine by racing up the enemies flanks primarily to hunt enemy weapons teams and not directly take on enemy armour, but if there is a chance of firing it’s 2 shots at the rear of an enemy tank or armoured car, it’s worth a go.

I’m looking forward to using this fun little fella and am considering fielding an whole platoon of them

This model is available from Warlord Games:

Scenery based on kits from Thyme Again:

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