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Ghost Bears

Ghost Bears

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Alpha Star

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Alpha Star

Last star is the alpha star which contains the Star Captain in charge of the cluster. AS a side note, isn’t the term Star Captain or Star Commander fabulous? something you would expect from an 80s sci fi show?

Anyway. Heavier hitting with:
Really heavy War hawk
A Loki, which is a real force recon glass cannon
Viper, a fast hitter.
A Vulture for long range fire power
And the Fenris, which if I’m being honest isn’t as competitive as similar weight mechs, but historically it was the CO’s ride, so its there. I’m a horrible person who treats Battletech like a historic wargame….unfortunately the scale isn’t big enough to count the rivets….

Alpha Star

What you cant see on most of these mechs, other than the Mercury below, are the heat sinks.

I decided that i wanted to paint the heat sinks actually heated up. This was to give more contrast to the cold grey, blues and whites. But ALSO if i’m playing the game im looking at the backs of these minis and a wall of grey is just upsetting.

Alpha Star

The commanders ride.

Jilian Snuka is listed as using a Fenris during the Clan Invasion….so she gets a Fenris. As she was a hard line crusader clanner rather than a warden i wanted to give her mech something that gave a) that character and b) made her stand out without going full 40k.

The Fenris has some struts around the cockpit. So a bit of mummy robes and burnt umber she has a skull face. Because of how it looks it has a cyclopean vibe with the jaws around the central sensor package and the cockpit window as the eye.

Rather than lost of ‘make it look like bone’ i tried not to. Its a Battletech mini and that would be painted on. Its not 40k where you wear Sargent Bobs skull as a codpiece (I dont hate 40k and i have a Robot Chaos Space Marine army in my head atm! promise!).

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Cult of Games Member

Rivet counting on an omnimech? I can only hear “A tiger? In Africa?” Lol

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