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Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

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Having titled my project with the word Waaagh I thought it was about time I addressed this aspect of my Spring Clean Challenge. I got all my 40K Orks out of the garage and had a look at what I had. I had assembled the Boyz years ago, however I had not done a particularly good job. This will need corrected as I progress through this part of my project. Mould lines will need cleaned properly and guns drilled out and in some cases I am going to have to completely reassemble the models.

The two vehicles I had also built but I want to do a quite a bit more work on them and add details such as chains and car body mesh etc. The bikes were all still attached to their sprues. The only problem I had was that I hated the riders and drivers and crew. This was at the time of Gorkamorka and some of the Ork plastics were not exactly to my taste. I used five spare Boyz and converted them so they could ride the bikes. The hands holding the handle bars was the trickiest bit. I used hands that were designed to hold shootas and cut them off at the wrists and rotated them until they ‘worked’. The bodies legs and arms were all then ‘made’ to result in a convincing rider. I was really pleased with how these turned out.

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