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BaP sailors and special characters

BaP sailors and special characters

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Special Native characters

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Now that I have started playing the game, I noticed that there are many special characters which don’t have dedicated models. I don’t want to proxy these models, cuz WYSIWYG is better, so I started thinking.


I didn’t have any extra Natives laying around, so I started looking through my collection. I had these Aztec models from WA that I haven’t done anything with. The Natives in Blood and Plunder span most of the Americas, and even though the Aztecs are a bit older than the period we are in, they aren’t far off.


Unfortunately, I compared the models, and the WA models are much shorter. They are kind of weirdly proportioned, they don’t have a stomach or midsection, their waist just connects to their chest.

I decided to cut the WA model at the waist and try to add some height to it, a few extra millimeters should do the trick. I cut the model with a sharp knife, and then tried packing form greenstuff in there. I’m not sure if this is the best way to do it, but its what I had handy so I went with it.

After a ton of fussing, I had a rough shape of a torso, and the height looked much better. I let the greenstuff dry a bit and then started smoothing it out. I don’t think im good enough at sculpting to add abs, frankly I don’t even think I’ll be able to smooth out the joins, so it won’t be noticeable. I’ll be happy of I can just get the texture smooth so that it isn’t super noticeable from 3 feet.


After that I slapped on the arms from WA for a drummer, and the drum hanging off the front should hide some of my crimes.

I decided to do the same think to make up a standard bearer. I don’t know what the Nahuatl word is for a sashimono, but this thing is pretty cool, so ill pretend it’s a standard.

After putting them both together, I pained them in my standard medium brown skin tone. Aztecs were known to wear some bright colors, but I wanted them to fit in with my other natives, so I did plain colors for the clothes and accessories.

To be honest, they didn’t come out great. From 3 feet they kinda just look like they have some scar tissue around their torsos, which isn’t too bad. But as soon as I finished these 2, I realized im gonna need another box of the multipart natives to do a few more commanders and special characters. I think ill keep these 2 in my army anyway just for fun.

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