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Wilson, Keppel and Betty strike again

Wilson, Keppel and Betty strike again

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The Sir Digby Chicken Caesar basing method Part 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I came across this basing  method when I encountered Sir Digby’s sidekick Ginger well sleeping in an old shopping trolley and I managed to purloin the technique by distracting him  with 2 Rothmans and a tin of Carlsberg Special


Anyway…I’ve been using Vajello basing sand recently but wanted all the bases to match those I’ve already completed so I’ve gone back to some fine sand that will be washed in watered down  AP strong tone and drybrushed in Vajello dark sand

The Sand. Or are they very small diamonds?

The Sir Digby Chicken Caesar basing method  Part 1

Pictures to follow once all is done


dun dun dun, dun da-dun-da-dun dun dun, dun da-dun-da-dun-da-dun dun dun, dun dun dun da-dun da-dun da-daaaaaaaa (etc)

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