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Militia Agnostica: DEADITES! - The Army of the Dead

Militia Agnostica: DEADITES! - The Army of the Dead

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Chucking on the paint (literally!)

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Ghosties flat primed with Grey SeerGhosties flat primed with Grey Seer
Skellies Zenith Primed for Pre ShadingSkellies Zenith Primed for Pre Shading
Bases for the Ghosties pre shaded separatelyBases for the Ghosties pre shaded separately

With the priming done it was time to apply a very rough slop of paint to the bases to act as its base colourization.

To do this I just slopped on some Contrast Aggaros Dunes and then stippled a bit of Contrast Militarum Green in places.

This would give a decent foundation for the ground cover to be stuck too, and it goes down fast!


Chucking on the paint (literally!)
Chucking on the paint (literally!)

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