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Militia Agnostica: DEADITES! - The Army of the Dead

Militia Agnostica: DEADITES! - The Army of the Dead

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The Secret Sauce - The Basing!

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I have a range of custom bases that I 3D print for these projects. They are designed to have two pence coins glued into them to increase the weight (and magnetic properties) of the miniature.

The Secret Sauce - The Basing!

They are all rounded (or Oval) because I love the aesthetic, and the bases sizes start from 32mm, as I see basing as a canvas for miniature armies so I like to have them oversized to let the minis breath and add little bits of narrative to the bases.

The Secret Sauce - The Basing!

I really like sheet cork as a basing material. Its fast and fun to play with and can really help bring a base to life. Its create for breaking up flat areas or for important minis you can build it up the raise the miniature above the fold so to speak.

The Secret Sauce - The Basing!

For a little extra character and narrative I dug out a couple of packets of grave stones I had lying around. One set was Plastic from Renedra, and the other set was Resin from Green Stuff World.

The Secret Sauce - The Basing!

I try to think strategically when it comes to basing and painting. Because the ghosts were going to be quite a flat paint scheme I didn’t want them to have the same priming technique as the skeletons.

The ghosts would be primed with Seer Grey only, while the skeletons would be first primed black, then given a Zenith of Seer Grey to help pre shade them.

So above you can see models being grouped based on the priming they are about to receive. Also the bases for the ghosts would be primed separately so they could also be zenithed – this way all the bases in the entire army would match – helping to tie things together.

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