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Militia Agnostica: DEADITES! - The Army of the Dead

Militia Agnostica: DEADITES! - The Army of the Dead

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Spring Clean Challenge 2023

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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The OnTableTop Spring Clean Challenge is a superb community drive to finish off stalled projects. I didn’t participate in 2022 and I really regretted that as it had a big impact on my ‘Hobby Wellbeing’ for the rest of the year where it was difficult to work up the mojo to fire up a project.

So I made an extra effort to join in on the shenanigans this year! And it has been a blast!

Spring Clean Challenge 2023

Ever since watching the Lord of the Rings – Return of the King, I have fancied putting together an army of the dead. A ghost army that would glide through opponents cutting them to smithereens!

I picked up a couple of boxes of night haunts a few years back with this intention, but hit a brick wall on the project as I just couldn’t decide on a manageable paint scheme for them. So … they sat in a drawer!

Spring Clean Challenge 2023

Two other movies also act as a big inspiration for me and that is Jason and the Argonauts and of course the unforgettable Evil Dead 3 – Army of Darkness.

I’m also a bit of a fanboi of the Wargames Atlantic plastics range and had some boxes of skeletons to hand, so my plan of a mix of dry bones and etherial ghosts started to come together!

The Skeletons that set my young mind on fire by the legendary Ray HarryhausenThe Skeletons that set my young mind on fire by the legendary Ray Harryhausen
Sam Raimi brought the skeletons to life in Army of DarknessSam Raimi brought the skeletons to life in Army of Darkness

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