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15mm Necromunda (onepagerules)

15mm Necromunda (onepagerules)

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Two more escher minis done

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6

Hi there I have sculpted two more eschers. Both are gangers, one is tall and lean with plasma pistol and laspistol, the other is short and stocky with a plasmagun.

I really hope I haven’t based them on anyone I know, they are a wee bit ugly. I tried to make a post explaining how I sculpt these minis, maybe it is best it didn’t upload because I photographed them up to the point of being posed wire armatures then forgot to photograph anything until they were finished.

I’m very happy with how the plasma gun came out. The minis themselves aren’t super inspiring but they are essentially chaff hah hah. I’ve been on a mad one lately, hadn’t sculpted in ages then did about 6 minis in a month. So lots more to come soon !

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Cult of Games Member

Bam ? they look awesome, would be intesting to see the armature pictures.

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