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Manda's (Amachan) Wrath of Metztli

Manda's (Amachan) Wrath of Metztli

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The Plan 2.0

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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This is my new plan to move forward with the Wrath of Metztli. My motivation to work on it has slightly dropped through the floor, ended up in hell and went through the floor there as well…..

As may not come as a surprise to anyone, SAGA and its ages is one of my favourite game system. Age of Magic is thus going to be the first focus for this project from now on. However I am currently limited to the models that I have printed since my printer is broken again. So phase 1 will be a fun Lords of the Wild list (8 points for Age of Magic) for SAGA: Age of Magic, but if I have models to work on in that list I will start working on phase 2 or 3 as well, but my priority will be with phase 1 first. Phase 2 to 4 will be for OnePageRules’ Age of Fantasy, however some will also be valid for SAGA: Age of Magic. I will use old Warhammer fantasy names for most of my units, but will also explain what they are used as in both SAGA and Age of Fantasy.

Phase 1 (SAGA)

Itzcoatl (Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur)
SAGA: Warlord on Beast
Age of Fantasy: Saurian Veteran on Tryannosaur (Holy Spawn, Spear)

Tlaloc (Chameleon Skink Chief)
SAGA: Lieutenant (Ranger) with bow.
Age of Fantasy: Gecko Champion (Skirmisher, Blowpipe, Chameleon)

SAGA: 2 (6 total available for SAGA) Bipeds
Age of Fantasy: 6 Gators

SAGA: First half of a unit of Quadrupeds.
Age of Fantasy: Dragon Lizard with Lizard Handlers

SAGA: Second half of a unit of Quadrupeds.
Age of Fantasy: Spiked Lizard

Temple Guard
SAGA: 4 (8 total available for SAGA) Hearthguard
Age of Fantasy: 10 Saurian Guardians (Sergeant, Musician, Battle Standard)

Chameleon Skinks
SAGA: 4 Hearthguard with bows
Age of Fantasy: 5 Chameleons

Saurus Warriors with Clubs
SAGA: 8 (16 total available for SAGA) Warriors
Age of Fantasy: 20 Saurian Warriors (Sergeant, Musician, Battle Standard)

Cold One Riders
SAGA: 8 Warriors on Animals
Age of Fantasy: 10 Raptor Riders (Lances, Sergeant, Musician, Battle Standard)

Skinks with Javelins
SAGA: 12 Levies with Javelins
Age of Fantasy: 10 Geckos (Javelins, Sergeant)

Phase 2 (Everything needed for a 2000 point list for Age of Fantasy)

Fri’qandel (Skink Priest)
SAGA: Sorcerer
Age of Fantasy: Gecko Champion (Priest)

Skinks with Clubs
Age of Fantasy: 10 Geckos (Sergeant, Musician, Battle Standard)

Cipactli (Saurus Oldblood)
SAGA: Warlord or Lieutenant
Age of Fantasy: Saurian Veteran (Temple Protector, Spear)

Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One
SAGA: Warlord on Animal
Age of Fantasy: Saurian Veteran (Temple Protector, Raptor)

Trapt-op-Staart (Kroxigor Ancient)
SAGA: Warlord
Age of Fantasy: Gator Veteran (Primordial Warden)

Citlalli (Skink Oracle on Troglodon)
SAGA: Behemoth
Age of Fantasy: Spinosaurus (Primal Roar, Priest Rider)

Phase 3 (Everything that fits in the carrying solution I currently have)

Lord Metztli (Slann Mage-Priest)
SAGA: Sorcerer on Animal
Age of Fantasy: Frog-Mage (Magic Shock, Ancient Palanquin)

SAGA: Behemoth
Age of Fantasy: Triceratops (Trample, Bolt Thrower)

SAGA: Behemoth
Age of Fantasy: Ankylosaurus (Solar Beam, Tail Strike)

Phase 4 (Everything that I want to do for this army)

Saurus Warriors with Spears
SAGA: 16 Warriors
Age of Fantasy: 20 Saurian Warriors (Spears, Sergeant, Musician, Battle Standard)

Skinks with Blowpipes
SAGA: 8 Warriors with bows
Age of Fantasy: 10 Geckos (Blowpipes, Sergeant)

Jungle Swarms
SAGA: 12 Levy Swarms
Age of Fantasy: 2 units of 6 Snake Swarms

Terradon Riders
SAGA: 3 Flyers
Age of Fantasy: 3 Beast Riders (Javelins, Pterodactyl)

Dread Saurian
SAGA: Titan (Probably to big for SAGA)
Age of Fantasy: Dread Titan (Behemoth)

The Plan 2.0

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