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Manda's (Amachan) Wrath of Metztli

Manda's (Amachan) Wrath of Metztli

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Here is my GW rant for today:..... (Pretty pissed off at them again.)

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Skill 2
Idea 3

I looked at the changes coming to the Seraphon in the new Battletome as some people already have their hands on it. And in short, I am wanting to blow up GW again…..
Anyway, some models were removed making some units invalid, other rules were changed that I don’t particularly like for my army either. And with better games available like OPR Age of Fantasy or SAGA Age of Magic which is created by people who actually want to make good games rather than just make money, my choice will be easily made and I am not playing Age of Sigmar anymore. I will rebuild my plans for the Wrath of Metztli to fit those rule systems and those rule systems.
Also, for my Warhammer 40k projects, I am not getting into 10th edition anymore since GW can only mess up rules anyway, and that has been proven to me again…. The 10th edition rules reveals over the last weeks makes that obvious as well as I was never happy with the changes when 8th edition came out and 10th is not looking any better. For those who want to play 40k with me OPR Grimdark Future will be the only option. And for my Dark Angels project, I just don’t know yet. I still really like the 40k universe, I just loathe GW.

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Cult of Games Member

I’m sure the 40k universe is easily transferable to any other ruleset the two aren’t really connected anyway

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