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MiniatureBrushworks Stuff

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Avanti! Regia Marina fleet

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
The whole fleet so farThe whole fleet so far

I finished the Warlord games starter deal for my regia marina fleet. Just a few little planes have to be done for the catapults and carrier.

These models paint up really nice especially due to the red and shite air identification stripes.

The base of the fleet is composed around the Littorio class battleship. I will need 6 more destroyers to finish the fleet to 1500pts. The Aquila carriers air group will hunt down enemy aircraft while the cheap destroyers guard of torpedos and screen the more important vessels like cruisers anf the battleship. I will see how this will work out.

Im currently working on the small aircraft for the carrier and the scouting planes for the cruisers and the battleship.

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Cult of Games Member

Fabulous work on your project figures & ship’s @miniaturebrushwork.

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