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The Horus Hersey - The Primarchs

The Horus Hersey - The Primarchs

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Corvus Corax

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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So, I bought Corvus Corax last June when I picked up Ka Bhanda.

Since then, I have been working on KB, Angron, and various Blood Bowl star players and a secret set of miniatures I might add on he as a project (although there are so many of them it will take me an age just uploading the pictures!).

Anyway, Corvus, the Forgeworld painting of this I think its let down by the fact they paint him with a normal skin tone, must of the stuff I have read Corvus (Like his Raven Guard) is described as being alabaster white.

So, I did that.


Corax White, Apothecary White 50/50 mix with water, dry brushed with Corax White and White Scar. I then thinned down some Volpus Pink contrast and ran this over his eyes, lips and cheeks – may give this another pass.


Corvus Black, Nuln Oil, Corvus Black. Again I may need to do something with this to pick out the edges – I tried using Dawnstone but it looked to much.


Iron Hands Steel, Nuln Oil, Runefang steel, stormhost silver.

I then ran some Gyph Charger grey over the wing blades, and the icon on his left shoulder.

I think a brighter base will make him stand out a bit more.

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