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Collins builds the world of the walking dead

Collins builds the world of the walking dead

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Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 3
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If you’re a depressed mechanic who’s just lost his whole family I expect you’d wear a chequered shirt too! or maybe you’re the kind of person who wears them all the time (like me).
Either way they’re a pain to paint and make look good.
It requires a steady hand and well thinned paint (or paint pens if you are fancy)
all in all this took me in the region of 1 hour 38 mins to complete, the length of this weekends weekender show. contrasts were used on the hat, trousers and shoes to speed up the process and remove the need for highlighting too much.
The shirt was simply painted with the pattern and then VERY selective glazing into what I thought should be folds in the shirt or around the pocket details. nothing fancy really as the pattern is the highlights for this shirt.

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