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Spring Cleaning A Garden of Morr Then Expanding Upon It

Spring Cleaning A Garden of Morr Then Expanding Upon It

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Fiddling With The Details

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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First up is the bronze work adopt the gates and the steeple. I first painted them in a metallic brass colour then stained it with a mix of Axrax Earthshade wash and Beast Brown paint (Army Painter) to mimic the colour of an old copper coin that’s gone brown, the first stage in oxidation.

Then I made a thin wash of scaly Hide and Wolf Grey (both from the Army Painter) thinned down with water quite a lot. This provided the blue/green corrosion. Finally I applied a light drybrush of white.

Next was the laborious part, painting all of the skulls. They were all first picked out in a light beige colour and then I applied the Contrast Paint Skeleton Horde. I thought about a further highlight but no. Time to move on.

There’s quite a lot of flowers modelled on the set so it was now time to paint this. I again painted they all with a light beige colour before applying a Contrast. I prefer using beige rather than white  as it gives a warmer feel.
This time I mixed Ork Flesh with Mantis Warrior Green and covered all of the plants. I then gave a very light drybrush of light beige before giving a light drybrush of yellow, just to bring out the details of the leaves a little.

For the flowers I once again added a light beige to the flower heads, over the green then followed with a Contrast, Flesh Tearers Red. Simple enough.

The painting is almost done. For the final phase I used army painter green ink and applied it to all of the stonework from the ground up to about miniature shoulder height to represent dampness and weathering.

So that’s it as far as the painting goes. Next I’ll be adding a load of grass and moss tufts and maybe some flock.

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