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Spring cleaning Challenge:  Blanchitsu Aeldari

Spring cleaning Challenge: Blanchitsu Aeldari

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How I've got to this point

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
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This project started out of my other spring cleaning Challenge project.

I had decided to have a go at playing kill team and rather than use any Imperium factions I would use a xenos one for a change. It was only a few models so wouldn’t be that difficult or expensive.  To make do something different again I would try to copy the style of the artist H. R Giger and from the recommendation of a friend use Woodstain.

Well it didn’t go to plan. What was meant to be fun, turned out to be soul destroying. The techniques just didn’t seem to work. I was copying what I was shown but it just wasn’t working. Along with other life issues this became the straw that broke the camels back and I had to leave it for my own sanity.

After a break, I decided randomly to paint an eldar guardian that was kicking around using the same method… And it worked. So along with the geneatealers I have decided to create a second 40k kill team along side the geneatealers.

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