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Wilson, Keppel and Betty strike again

Wilson, Keppel and Betty strike again

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One year later......

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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So now you’ve negotiated the click bait title you will be delighted to find yourself back amongst the pyramids for more 10mm delights

Last time we met we had got to

So time to go again on this attempt at actually painting something

I ordered quite a few bags of figures from Old Glory which were Spearmen,Archers,Chariots and some command figures.

I never meant to start another project so have already started painting. I started using Xpress and Speedpaints for these but in all honesty they looked sh*t (mainly due to my messy painting style) so went back to normal acrylics.

So far we have

One year later......


One year later......

That’s it for now..Hopefully my enthusiasm holds to paint some more

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I clicked! I’m such a sucker for click bait.?‍♂️……but then again I do love 10mm armies.

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