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SAGA: Ages of Ages

SAGA: Ages of Ages

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Speedpainting Spartans part 1

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6

I recorded the stages used to paint a Spartan unarmoured warrior from Wargames Foundry.  I suppose this is a bit of an homage to Kevin Dallimore’s painting guides, he did a nice armoured Spartan step by step which is still on the Foundry website.  Clearly I’m going a bit quicker than the three shade process here.  We start off by cleaning off the minimal flash and then arm our Spartan with a cast spear.  The best looking dory is made by Aventine Miniatures (Cast weapons AW03) and as they cast in pewter it isn’t bendy like a white metal one would be.  They are a little thick but are absolutely perfect in the somewhat exagerated hands of the Foundry sculpts.  Zenithal highlight applied with an airbrush.  I use Badger’s Stynylrez range as they cover brilliantly with a single thin coat and seem to shrink into all of the detail when they dry.  White zenith from 70 degrees over an all over grey undercoat.

Now onto the speedpainting.  Much as I dislike Contrasts for this technique I prefer the slightly more tanned look of Guilliman Flesh compared to the brighter AP Crusader Flesh.

Red next.  This is where speedpaints really come into their own.  I’d have to spend ages trying to get this sort of finish with regular layers of acrylics.

Hair next, black of course.

Now on to the spear.  Leather wrap first.

And then the shaft.  Despite the picture this colour was Sand Golem.  It provides a lovely light wood tone that is a good match to Vallejo Model Air Wood if there is any patching needed.

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Cult of Games Member

The way wordpress/project system cute the images is odd. It’s just “pointy end of a spear” for the first few minutes XD Nice work man.

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